Pro Purses
Purse: The 2025 Promation Corduroy Enduro® has a purse of $13,500 to be awarded based on the rider’s overall standing in their class as follows:
Pro – 1st $4000 2nd $2500 3rd $1600 4th $500 5th $200
Woman’s Pro – 1st $2000 2nd $1200 3rd $800 4th $500 5th $200
Registration Details
Price: $200 ($177 +HST) – includes event t-shirt.
Date: Registration opens Wednesday, May 14 at 12:15pm and closes Thursday, September 18th @ 10:00pm **Online registration only**
How to Register:
- Ensure you have a Live Laps Account (free)
- Ensure you have a current Off-road Ontario Membership
- Go to Corduroy Enduro Main Event on livelaps (for youth enduro registration click here: Youth Enduro, for Friday classes registration click here: Friday Classes)
- Click “Sign up here”
Minutes are first come, first serve.
Sign-In: Sign-in will be held at the Corduroy Enduro Headquarters (Gooderham Community Centre) at the following times:
- Thursday night Sept 18th 7:00 – 8:00 (Vintage GP, e-Mountain Bike and E-Bike, Adventuresport Enduro only)
- Friday morning Sept 19th 8:00 – 9:30 (Vintage GP, e-Mountain Bike and E-Bike, Adventuresport Enduro only)
- Friday night Sept 19th 5:00 – 9:00 (Corduroy Enduro sign-in)
- Saturday morning Sept 20th 7:00 – 8:00 (Corduroy Enduro sign-in)
Daily Start Times:
- Friday – 10:00am for Vintage GP, e-Mountain Bike and E-Enduro
- Friday – 12:00am for the Vintage Show and Shine
- Saturday 9:00am Corduroy Enduro
- Sunday – 8:00am Corduroy Enduro
Awards: Vintage trophies will be awarded at Friday 3:00pm, Youth Enduro trophies will be awarded Saturday 6:00pm, Corduroy Enduro trophies will only be awarded on Sunday afternoon based on a total score for the 2 days. Riders who complete the entire event will receive a finisher’s medal.
All riders must possess a valid driver’s license. Motorcycles do not have to be street legal. Off-road registration for your state or province is required. Minimum age is 16, any riders under age 18 must have a waiver signed by BOTH parents/guardians. Off-Road Ontario membership required for all riders entered Saturday and Sunday. Riders riding Friday only do not need Off-Road Ontario memberships.
For Youth Enduro: Riders must be under 16 years of age and do not require a driver’s license. Youth Enduro participants still require and Off-Road Ontario membership.
CMA Sound Test: A maximum 94db will be strictly enforced. We will not lose our trails because of unnecessarily loud motorcycles.
Mandatory Riders Meeting:
- Video riders meeting will be available on Sept 15th
- Friday – 9:30am for Vintage GP, e-Mountain Bike and E-Enduro
- Friday – 8:00pm for the Corduroy National Enduro – riders must watch the you-tube riders meeting video first – to e available prior to the event
Classes, Routes, Arrows
Number Plates and Arrowed Routes:
Front numberplate minute stickers will be provided at sign-in as follows:
- Pro, Expert and Vet Expert – White numbers on a red background
- Women Pro – White numbers on purple background
- All other classes – Black numbers on a yellow background
The arrowed routes for the event shall be as follows: A colour coded sticker will be placed on the front number plate beside a rider’s number. The colour of the stickers will correspond with the route and course making the rider is to follow. At course splits the rider follows the arrow that matches the coloured sticker on their bike. Anytime your colour of arrow is not present, follow the orange arrows.

The Course: The course is made up of approximately 150 km of trail and 6-8 timed tests each day including a final MX test on Sunday. No Time Keeping. Complete rules are available at www.offroadontario.ca and the Corduroy Supplementary Rules tab above.
Parc Ferme (Motorcycle Impound): All competition motorcycles will be impounded on Saturday night. There will be a 15 min work period prior to the impound on Saturday night and another 15 min work period for riders prior to their assigned start time on Sunday morning. A security guard will be on duty all night to ensure that the motorcycles are secure from theft and tampering however we encourage riders to place a lock on their motorcycle. (For additional information see the Supplementary Rules). The Corduroy Enduro is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Additional Information:
Gas trucks: Gas trucks will be provided Saturday and Sunday (not required on Friday for the Vintage GP), be sure to bring 3 10L gas cans with your name clearly marked on all of them. Please do not bring large gas cans as there is limited room on the gas trucks.
Accommodations: Camping is permitted at the Gooderham Community Centre (no services available), A $20 per camping vehicle fee will be charged. Or please search online for local rental cottages and other accommodations (www.highlandseast.ca). Gates close at 9:00pm Thursday, 10:00pm Friday and Saturday night.
Meals: Take-out food is available for purchase on site each day of the event.
Demo Rides: Thanks to our motorcycle sponsors, you will have the opportunity to ride some of the 2024 bike models on Super Demo Thursday and Friday 11:00 to 5:00 and Super Demo Saturday 11:00 to 2:00.
Trail Ride: There will be a non-competitive trail ride on Saturday and Sunday for anyone who wants to enjoy the Corduroy Enduro trails in a non-competitive format. Green off-road or blue on-road plated bikes are required. This ride roughly follows the enduro route with optional short-cuts to by-pass difficult sections of trail. Register at Rally Connex. Ride leaves at 9:30am both days. Camping is available on- site.
Dual Sport Ride – Sunday: Take in some of the spectator points for Sunday’s Enduro route while enjoying the beautiful backroads and trails on the Highlands. Blue on-road plated motorcycle required. Register athttps://cvent.me/oLV7RD. The ride leaves at 8:00. Camping is available on-site.
ISDE Tire Change Contest on – Saturday night – Place your 50/50 bets on the fastest time. All the proceeds go to Canada’s ISDE Team. Saturday night 8:00pm.
The Vintage GP, the e-MTN Bike, Adventure Sport and the E-Enduro loops all start and finish at the Gooderham Community Centre. Friday riders do not need to be Off-Road Ontario members. Pre-Entry through LiveLaps.com
Corduroy Enduro® Vintage GP

Corduroy Enduro® eMountain Bike (Electric Pedal Assist Mountain Bike)
- eMNT Bike – Date and Entry Fee: Friday, September 19th – $50.00 Entry Fee through LiveLaps.com
- e-MNT Bike – Course: Approximately 25km
- eMNT Bike – Classes: Expert Class, Novice Class.
Corduroy Enduro® E-Enduro (Electric Enduro Motorcycle)
- E-Enduro – Date and Entry Fee: Friday, September 19th – $50.00 Entry Fee through LiveLaps.com
- E-Enduro – Course: Approximately 25km
- E-Enduro – Classes: Class A, Class B – Per Offroad Ontario E-bike classes
Corduroy Enduro® Adventuresport Enduro
- Adventuresport – Date and Entry Fee: Friday, September 19th – $50.00
- Adventuresport – Course: Approximately 200km
- Adventuresport – Classes: Dualsport (350CC – 650CC), Adventuresport (651CC – 999CC)
NEW For 2024-Adventure Sport bike class included in the Friday Enduro- Minimum 650cc to a maximum of 999cc.
Corduroy Enduro® Youth Enduro (for ages 15 and under)
- Youth Enduro – Date and Entry Fee: Saturday, September 21rd race start at 4:00pm near the Gooderham Community Centre – $30.00 Entry Fee through LiveLaps.com Must be an Offroad Ontario Member
- Youth Enduro – Classes: Junior (under 16), Pee Wee A, Pee Wee B, Mini-A, Mini-B, U16 Girls.
The Corduroy Enduro®
The Corduroy Enduro® …Canada’s Toughest Race!!
The Corduroy Enduro®
The Corduroy Enduro® …Canada’s Toughest Race!!